В благотворительной продаже появились:
Миказуки Мунечика
Хацуне Мику.
¥1000 (≈9$) с каждой продажи пойдёт на помощь пострадавшим при:
2018 Shimane Earthquake
2018 Osaka Earthquake
July 2018 Floods
Typhoon Jebi
2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake
Сами нендороиды выйдут в январе 2019, но деньги снимут сразу при заказе. Пересылка будет ¥2000 (≈18$) для всех. Комбинировать эти заказы с другими невозможно.
- To aid relief efforts as soon as possible, you will be charged upon ordering and not at the time of shipment.
- Shipping will be charged at ¥2000 to all countries.
- Though Cheerful JAPAN! products can be grouped together in a single order, they cannot be combined with any other products. Please take note when placing your order.
- A maximum of 5 of this product are available per person.
- Orders cannot be cancelled or returned. Please consider your purchase carefully before ordering.
Миказуки Мунечика
Хацуне Мику.
¥1000 (≈9$) с каждой продажи пойдёт на помощь пострадавшим при:
2018 Shimane Earthquake
2018 Osaka Earthquake
July 2018 Floods
Typhoon Jebi
2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake
Сами нендороиды выйдут в январе 2019, но деньги снимут сразу при заказе. Пересылка будет ¥2000 (≈18$) для всех. Комбинировать эти заказы с другими невозможно.
- To aid relief efforts as soon as possible, you will be charged upon ordering and not at the time of shipment.
- Shipping will be charged at ¥2000 to all countries.
- Though Cheerful JAPAN! products can be grouped together in a single order, they cannot be combined with any other products. Please take note when placing your order.
- A maximum of 5 of this product are available per person.
- Orders cannot be cancelled or returned. Please consider your purchase carefully before ordering.